Document Module Bulk Actions in Ostendio
Bulk Add Users:
- In the Manage Documents tab (Admins only) of the Documents module, select the documents that you would like to manage. By clicking the Bulk actions button, you will be provided with the following options:
- Change Owner
- Add Custodians
- Add Consumers
- Add View Audience
- Publish Selected
- Deactivate Selected
- Modify Document Container
- Add Tags
Bulk Change Owner
1. Choose whether you would like to change the owner of this version of the document or all versions of the document.
2. Select the new Owner of the documents.
3. Click Change Owner.
Bulk Add Custodians
1. Add any Users or Groups you would like to add as Custodians to the documents.
2. Click Add Custodians.
Bulk Add Consumers
1. Add any Users or Groups you would like to add as Consumers to the documents.
2. Click Add Consumers.
Bulk Add View Audience
1. Add any Users or Groups you would like to add as View Audience to the documents.
2. Click Add Visibility Audience.
Bulk Publish Documents 
1. Choose whether you would like to publish the document now or later.
2. Document the changes in this version.
3. Click Proceed.
Bulk Deactivate Selected
1. Select whether you would like to deactivate the version or the entire document.
2. Provide a reason for the deactivation.
3. Click Deactivate.
Bulk Modify Document Container
1. Select Yes to publish all files within the document container.
2. Click Done to publish to document container.
Bulk Add Tags 
1. Select all required tags from the drop-down.
2. Click Submit to add tags to documents.