Create an Asset Security Profile Report

Take action with your data - create a report in 4 clicks!

What is the purpose of creating this report?

  • Centralized visibility - Provides a single consolidated view of the security posture of all assets across the environment. Rather than gathering info from disparate systems, it's all in one report.
  • Identify gaps and risks - Highlights assets that lack critical security controls like MFA, SSO, encryption, etc. Allows prioritization of remediation efforts.
  • Track security posture - Can be scheduled to run regularly (e.g. weekly or monthly) to track trends and progress on improving coverage of security controls over time.
  • Support audits - Provides evidence of security control implementation for auditors. Can demonstrate where controls are enabled versus areas in need of improvement.


Step 1

Navigate to the asset module, in this example, we can see all assets in this instance, displayed in the Manage Assets page. 


Step 2

Click on Manage columns

Step 3

Manage the columns by turning on the SSO and MFA checkboxes 

Step 4



Save your view using the filter located in the universal side tray. Now you can access this information in half the time! 

SSO and MFA columns-gif