What is the difference between creating a Vendor Connect request and adding a client via the Admin portal?

Discover how vendor Connect requests differ from adding clients via the Admin Portal.

Clients created through Vendor Connect are autonomous and independent entities, and the organization inviting them has no control over them. Although an invitation has been issued, that client has signed up independently to our terms of use. They can then choose whether to accept the subsequent connection request that follows the sign-up request, which enables them to share only assessment information with the assessment requester (invitee). In order to send an assessment to a new client, a Partner must first create that client in the admin portal. When a client is created, they can send an assessment to that client via Vendor Connect (by using the Trust Network either through the client's name or the Trust Network ID). Due to the fact that the Partner created the instance, it is presumed that they have legal authority over it (and from our perspective, have the consent of the client). If the Partner wants to take management of an existing client, we can make that transfer for them i.e. move them under the Partner, but we would need a formal and legally binding request from the client, to authorize us to make this change.