How to Complete Your Corporate Profile

Your organization’s corporate profile is used to explain the manner in which your organization presents itself to customers and/or stakeholders.

A corporate profile is used to explain items like the operational makeup of your organization, your product/services, revenue, key employee information, and more at a high level.

Ostendio’s Corporate Profile can be accessed from an Admin’s homepage, click the Settings icon in the lower left side tray, and then navigate to Corporate Profile.


  1. Under Name, fill out your organization’s Name (REQUIRED)

  2. Select your Business type from the drop down.

  3. Select if your company is publicly held

  4. Input the types of organizations that you serve

    • If ‘Commercial’ a new option will appear to allow you to input which industries your organization supports.

  5. Fill out the number of customers you have, estimated revenue, and the number of employees (# of employees is a required field) as well as the number IT employees you have.
  6. Enter in the locations that your business operates out of. If you haven’t added in all locations using the Location module, then select  Add New Location? to quickly add one.
  7. Select Save Changes when complete.


  1. Select if you have a designated information security officer.
    If ‘Yes’, a new option will appear to input the name of the information security officer. If the person is not in the Ostendio platform, you can quickly add them by selecting  Add New?
  2. Input the Ostendio users who are part of your information security group.
  3. Follow the next question prompts to answer questions about your security policies, and security awareness training activities.  
  4. Enter if you have completed any internal and/or external security assessments
    If ‘Yes’, input the individuals, vendors or both responsible for performing the assessment
  5. Enter if you have completed any internal and/or external risk assessments
    If ‘Yes’, input the individuals, vendors or both responsible for performing the assessment
  6. Next, on a scale of 1-5, rank how mature your security program is.
  7. Select Save Changes to compete. 


The Product/Offering section, allows you to input information about the products or services that your organization provides. You can add in details about how your product or service is accessed, where data is stored, who your users are, and the # number of approximate users your solution provides.


In the Infrastructure portion of your corporate profile, you can enter information about data centers as well as any outsourced components of your information technology organization.

Compliance Goals

In the Compliance area, you can input known regulations or compliance standards that your organization needs to meet,  information about where your organization operates, or additional information about how your business interacts with other organizations, as it relates to compliance. You will also be provided with an area where you can input information about how you’re currently managing, or plan to manage any formal assessments to maintain your organization’s compliance.