How to Edit a Document

How to edit a document using in-line editing

How to edit a document using in-line editing:

  1. Go into the Documents module and toggle to the "Manage Documents" tab.
  2. Select the document you wish to edit.
  3. Be sure that you are in the latest version of the document. If it is not the latest version, you will not be able to edit the document through MyVCM. In order to navigate directly to the latest version, select "Go to latest version."
  4. Choose the file type you wish to edit. *Note: the file is in the draft version, therefore you will be able to download as the original file (.docx, .xlxs, etc.). Once the file is published, it will download as a PDF*
  5. To begin editing the document, click on the edit icon in the top right corner of the screen. You will now be able to utilize the toolbar and functionality to make any changes necessary.
  6. Once you have made changes, it is required to save these changes before exiting in order for them to be reflected. 

a. To do this: Click on the "File" tab, and then "Save" at the top left corner of the toolbar.

b. It is now safe to exit the document as your changes have been saved.
