How To Use Ostendio Smart Tags

Ostendio Smart Tags will allow your organization to map your company’s security and compliance program across over 300 different frameworks and compliance standards.

Need to meet AICPA’s SOC 2 Type II and HIPAA? Smart Tags will allow your organization to crosswalk between any of the SCF frameworks in Ostendio with just a few clicks of a button.

Required Before Getting Started:

To get started using Smart Tags you’ll need to complete step 5. Compliance, of your Ostendio Corporate Profile.

Where to Access Smart Tags:

Smart Tags article SS

  • The Smart Tags can be accessed from the Settings dashboard
  • From here, Smart Tags can be searched and crosswalked
    • When searching a specific Smart Tag(s), any items that have that tag(s) applied will display

Lookup Your Current Available Tags/Controls

The first tab you will view when entering Smart Tags is the ‘Search’ tab.

Use the "Details" tab, if you’re unsure of the correct control to map against to research available tags for you to use.

Search by Authority: Search for the governing body of the organization of the framework that you are searching for. The list of available frameworks to you correlates to what you filed out in Step 5 of your Corporate Profile.

Search by Framework: Use the 3 dots on the right-hand side of the box, or begin typing in the box to display a list of frameworks available for you to search by.

Search by Domain: Use the 3 dots to display a drop down of the available domains that pertain to the control or tag that you’re searching to map to.

Search by Tag: Use the 3 dots or begin typing in the current control or tag that you are following that you want to map against.

Ostendio CrossWalk to Your New Framework 

Once a tag has been selected from the "Details" tab, the Ostendio Crosswalk allows Users to take a single or multiple control tags and match it against other compliance frameworks that your organization needs to adhere to. The Ostendio Smart Tag generator will produce a list of control tags similar to the ones you used in the last step, that you can use for your as new tags for your Ostendio artifacts that meet other compliance standards.