Manage and track KnowBe4 Training in Ostendio’s Training Module

Fix user discrepancies through tickets and track progress

After creating a training campaign from KnowBe4 to Ostendio's training module, there may be discrepancies if users don't exist in both locations. In this case, the system will flag the users that exist in either platform. A tab labeled, Fix Users will be highlighted in red. 



The next step is for the training manager to select the displayed users and have a ticket created for the owner of the training. The ticket will automatically provide the information for the owner to resolve ticket. In this example, Raymond and John exist in Ostendio, but not in KnowBe4. 


The draft ticket will open in the universal side tray and comes preconfigured with all relevant instructions for the training owner. The only required field is the ticket category. Though its optional, don't forget to add a due date! 



Managing training that has been synced and created from KnowBe4 can be first done within the manage training response table. Click on the manage columns icon (next to the export button) and click the check box for Source and Source name. This will confirm which trainings exist in KnowBe4 (Source) and what it's called in KnowBe4 (Source name). This response table can act as a report, with the ability to export if needed. 



Each training campaign synced and created from KnowBe4 into Ostendio's training module will have a banner at the top displaying the Source and the Source name of the training campaign in KnowBe4 that is a clickable link. This allows the training manager to go directly to the training campaign as it exists in KnowBe4. 



Tracking progress in Ostendio can be done either from the training itself, aggregated in the manage training response tables, or within custom or system reports in the report module. 

In the example below, within the training itself, the training manager can check the summary or submissions tabs, or utilize the insights icon in the universal side tray. 

Custom and system reports are accessible in the report module. System and static reports are pre-configured, but you are able to take the same data properties and create your own custom reports, as shown below.