Managing Locations in Ostendio

Locations are intended to help track key places associated with your business such as offices, data centers, labs, and facilities.

It is important to track locations in order to manage your risk. For example, if some of your data is housed in data centers on the West Coast of the US, an area prone to experiencing earthquakes, it’s important to have a Disaster Recovery Plan in place tied to those data centers.

You also need visibility into your locations to keep up with changing regulations. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one instance. If you have a physical office location in an EU country, you need to comply with GDPR.  

How to add a location:

  1. From the left side tray, click on the Settings icon and select Locations.

  2. Click Add New Location in the upper right corner. By clicking the drop-down arrow, you have the option to import locations in bulk or add locations individually. 
    *If you choose to import a list, there will be an Excel Template which you will need to download and complete with the necessary information
  3. Add the required information (indicated by asterisk) and any other information your Organization requires, complete the form, and click Save.

3. After you have clicked Save, you can update business impact details, upload files, manage attachments, and edit the location.

Pro Tip: You can run a Location & Assets report which provides additional visibility.