Release Notes: Assessment Updates

Date: Saturday, October 3rd, 2020

Ability to attach a file during the assessment creation process:

The user can now attach a file while creating the assessment by dragging and dropping it into the description text field. The attached file appears below the description and can be deleted by clicking the delete button.

Ability to add question weights and answer scores:

The user can now add a question weight and answer score by clicking the Add Question button on Step 4: Add/Remove Questions.

Question Weight:

Each question has a weight. The goal is to define the importance of the question. The default value of the question weight is set to “1”. If the user does not fill the section out while he/she is on the “Add Question” modal, the weight is set to “1” from the system automatically. The question weight is an integer between 1-5.

Answer Choice Scores:

If the answer type is SCF CMM, Simple CMM, Ostendio CMM, the answer choices on the modal are predefined and are not editable. However, the user can still add scores for each answer choice. The goal is to assign a value to the answer, so the user can have insights around  the answer choices and compare the results.

The score field is not a required field and it stays empty by default, except the following answer choices:

  • If the answer type is SCF CMM, the options score is between 0-5.
  • If the answer type is Simple CMM, the options score is between 0-4.
  • If the answer type is Ostendio CMM, the system gives Yes=1, No=0 scores.

The score is an integer between 0-10.

The answer choice score applies to all answer types, except text response. The text response answer type is not scored at all.

Ability to add instructions to sections and individual questions:

The user can now add instructions to each section and/or to each question.

If the user prefers to add instructions to a section, he/she can either create a new section by clicking the Add Section or Add Question button on Step 4: Add/Remove Question or edit an existing section by clicking the edit icon next to each section during the assessment creation process.

If the user decides to add instructions to a question, then he/she can insert the instructions to the available text field during Step 4: Add/Remove Questions while creating the assessment.

The user can view the newly added instructions on a published assessment by clicking the question mark next to the section or clicking the Show Instructions button inside of the question under the Questions tab.

Ability to send the assessment to multiple vendors:

The user can now select more than one vendor (up to 50) to send the assessment to at once. Unless the user is sending the assessment to the vendor for the first time, all he/she has to do is to confirm the vendor information. If the vendor is created through the organization module and does not have a pre-set point of contact, then the user can complete this information during the assessment creation process. If there are multiple points of contact available on the vendor side, the user should be able to select one of them as the assessment recipient during the same process.

Ability to select different SOC 2 Trust Service Criteria sections on assessments:

When the user creates a new assessment from AICPA SOC 2 framework, he/she should be able to select one or more Trust Services Criteria options, keeping the Common Core Trust Services Criteria selected by default since it is a required one.

Cloning an assessment as a vendor assessment:

Each self assessment can be copied over as a vendor assessment. When a user is cloning and creating a new assessment:

  • Select the assessment under “My/Manage Assessments” tabs and click gear to “Clone and Create New”
  • Then, the clone pop-up appears with a 3rd option, which is “Clone as New Vendor Assessment”
  • The system will just clone the assessment without including the notes and evidence.

Import Template updates during the assessment creation process:

Required and recommended information is now easier to understand with the enhanced import template spreadsheet. There are detailed description and example data attached to each column header as a note. The required column header is highlighted in red. The answer type column arrives as a dropdown to help the user with the selection. 

The import template user interface is improved with tooltips to inform the user regarding how the data mapping should work. The user should be able to find out the missing information easily with the enhanced alert messages on the screen.

Ability to access Auditor Connect marketplace with one click:

The Auditor Connect marketplace is now accessible by clicking on the icon on the icon at the top of the platform screen.

Converting Description field to a rich text field

The assessment description field under the General Details tab is converted to a rich text field, so the user can utilize more functionality, such as paragraph, headings, bold, italic, left-center-right alignment, ordered list, and indentation.

Adding Tags Report

There is a brand new report added with this release. While “Evidence View”  groups the associated questions and tags related to each evidence, "Tag View" groups the associated questions and evidence related to each tag. They both capture the same data, however the display of the data is different for each report. On the "Evidence View" everything is grouped by evidence, on the "Tag View" everything is grouped by tag.

Improved UI to access different reports (Question View/Evidence View/Tag View)

Reports are now visible on the screen with this release instead of staying hidden under the export button as it was previously.

Ability to export notes

The user can now export notes (if any exist) for each question by selecting the “Export Notes” option from the export icon on the assessment results tab.

Ability to order notes by question and time

The user can now show all notes in the assessment by turning on the “show all” toggle and then order them by question or time according to his/her wish.

Assessment weights and scores reporting

The assessment questions weights and answer scores are now visible on the “Question View” report under the Results tab. If the user wants to hide them, he/she can turn off the “answer score” toggle.