Release Notes: Policy Control Manager (Alpha) Release

Date released to Production: Friday, March 12th, 2021

High-Level Summary:


Policy Control Manager: The Policy Control Manager allows your organization to implement and manage policy and procedures at the control level. Using the Policy Control Manager interface, you can now build policy or procedure documentation on the fly with premium content direct from Compliance Forge, and be able to manage version updates from within MyVCM if there is ever a change in the control guidance from Compliance Forge.

The alpha version of this release provides the ability to view a policy control, modify control settings, generate a Document from the control content, and accept/reject content updates from Compliance Forge. 


Additional minor release items:

  • Adding mentions:

When entering comments, you can use the mentions feature that allows you to attract somebody's attention to the comment and send a notification to the mentioned user via email.

To add a mention enter the "+" or "@" sign anywhere in the comment text - a list of the portal users will open. To simplify the search process, you can start typing a name in the comment field - the user list will change as you type. Select the necessary person from the list. Mentioning the user will provide access to the document only if the mentioned user has the valid access rights.The mentioned user will receive an email notification that he/she has been mentioned in a comment. 

  • If there are approvers available on a draft document, the document can be edited only by enforcing a version change:

If there are approvers available on a draft document, the document can be edited only by enforcing a version change. The system should only allow the edit of the document, if none of the approvers have approved/rejected yet, and in that case, there should be a new version of the document being created. 

As soon as an approver approves/rejects the document, the system should lock the document for any edits and the document can’t be edited anymore without creating a new version.

In that case, the document owner would see the following message in red color, on the approvers tab, above the grid:

“One of the approvers has already responded to the approval workflow. If you’d like to edit the document, please create a new version.”


  • New Tickets summary and details reports under the Reports module

Tickets can be filtered by status and showcase the time they were closed. The tickets can be filtered according to closing date. Additionally, the new reports display the updates that have been made to a ticket, such as notes added, resolutions.


  • Redirect user to last page visited after successful login:

If the users browse to the login page and if they already have an active session, then the system should redirect them to the last page they visited instead of showing them the login page.


If the users browse to the login page and they do not have page the active session, then after login,  the system should redirect them to the last page they visited instead of the home page. If the system does not have their last visited page information, then it should redirect them to the home page.


  • Enable CAPTCHA on the billing tab in the registration page