Release Notes: Risk Management Phase III Release

Release Notes: Risk Management Phase III Release Date released to Production: Friday, April 16th, 2021

High-Level Summary:

  • New user interface for the risks and risk items matrix

The risk management module home page consists of 3 panels:

  • Left-hand Navigation Menu Panel
  • Middle Panel where Risk Matrix and the response view is displayed
  • Right-hand side Filters Panel

The user should be able to change the risk matrix at display by clicking left (<) and right (>) arrows next to the current risk title on the risk matrix.


  • Risks and risk items table view user interface updates

The grid shows the current risks by default. The risks and risk items are ordered by date (Modified On). The user can export the content of the table.When the user clicks the filters button, they open on the right-hand side panel.


  • Risks and risk Items search, advanced filters, saved view


The right-hand side Filters Panel stays expanded when the user lands at the Risk Management module for the first time. If the user expands or collapses it, the system should remember the user’s selection.

The Filters Panel has 3 tabs:

  • Filters: The user can initiate filters on the right-hand side Filters Panel by selecting one of the data attribute options from the dropdown and applying the available operators. The system should allow the user to merge more data attribute options to the query by clicking “+Add to filter”. This would allow the user to build a more advanced query to have him/her display the results he/she is interested in. If the user wants to merge the first set of queries with the second one, then he/she should click the “+Add new filter” button. 


  • Search:After the user inserts the keyword and clicks “Apply”, the results are displayed on the risk or risk items table view.


  • Saved Views: It displays the custom queries that are built by the user and the pre-defined queries that are built by the system. The user should be able to save the applied filter by clicking the “Save view” button. When the user saves the applied filter, those queries would be available under the “Saved views” tab on the right-hand side.
