SSO Client Configuration: Okta

Okta provides single sign-on and identity management for cloud-based applications. *Okta provides SAML option only. The steps required to configure SAML are listed below.

Configuration using SAML

Steps for configuration

  • OKS-1: Login to your Okta instance
  • OKS-2: Select “Application” under “Applications”


  • OKS-3: Select the "Add Application" a service/App to your domain


  • OKS-4: Click “Create New App”

  • OKS-5: Select the "SAML 2.0" option and click "Create"

  • OKS-6: In the General Setting Information window, enter application name as “Ostendio” and enter a short description
  • Click Choose file next to the Upload Logo field to upload a PNG or GIF file to serve as an icon.
  • Ostendio logos are available at
  • Click Next.

  • OKS-7: In the SAML Settings Details window, enter the following information.
    • Single sign on URL
  • This is the SSO URL for SAML
  • https://<Your-domain>
  • E.g.:, etc.
  • SP Entity ID
  • Same as ACS URL
  • Name ID
  • "Basic Information" should be set to "Primary Email"
  • Application username
  • Select “Email”
  • Click “Next” to proceed 


  • OKS-8: Do not make any changes on this screen and click “Finish” 

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  • OKS-9: Click in View Setup Instructions


  • OKS-10: Save the URL mentioned in “SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL” (This will be used in later steps).
    • This URL will be used to provide link on the login page for SSO link.
  • OKS-11: Download Okta certificate. 
  • OKS-12: Follow steps GO-1 to GO-4 as provided and then,
    • Select “Okta” under “Select SSO Options” 
    • Upload certificate file downloaded in step OKS-11. This field is mandatory 
    • Provide “Okta Domain URL” save in step OKS-10. This field is mandatory
    • Click “Save” 
