1. Knowledge Center
  2. Assessments
  3. Vendor Assessments/Third Party Risk

What is Vendor Connect?

Ostendio Vendor Connect is a groundbreaking new solution to how organizations manage risk related to their vendors.

Vendor Connect is a living ecosystem of vendor assessments. Ostendio customers can invite vendors to complete assessments through Ostendio Lite, a free version of Ostendio, at no cost to the customer or vendor. This allows vendors to create and maintain online records of their security and compliance readiness via assessments. Responses are linked to supporting documentation that can be easily accessed and updated. Companies can designate assessments to vendors based on specific regulations or tailor them to their specific requirements. 

Using the Ostendio Crosswalk capability, vendors can easily map their relevant responses to questions from more than 100 industry standards and regulations. Responses can be shared with multiple customers, simplifying data maintenance by centralizing it in one location.  Using the data from the responses, Ostendio vendors are grouped into different risk pools, giving companies a consolidated and segmented view of their vendor risk landscape.