How to Manage and Edit Configurable Lists

Access the Configurable Lists Dashboard in the System Settings.

Access the Configurable Lists Dashboard in the System Settings. When in System Settings, click 'Configure Lists' to make any changes, edits, or additional fields.

Ostendio _ Organization Profile (2)


Select the Name (List) item that you would like to add additional fields to.

Ostendio _ Configurable Lists

Once in the chosen list, edit existing fields by changing the text within the field. To add a new field, enter the desired field text in the 'New List Item' field at the bottom of the current list. 

Ostendio _ Configurable List (1)

Unused and unwanted fields can be removed by selecting the delete button. However, if the field is being used on any Item in The Ostendio Platform, the Item will not be deleted. In this case, toggle the 'show' switch to off to hide the field value from future lists.


*NOTE* A pop-up notification will appear when attempting to delete a field that is currently in use for one or more Items

Ostendio _ Configurable List (2)

To view Configurable Lists available in Ostendio by Module, click here.