What is the Ostendio Trust Network?

Managing Trust Network requests and connections

The Ostendio Trust Network is an ecosystem that allows Ostendio organizations, vendors, partners, and auditors to connect to each other’s instances of Ostendio to allow them to send assessments, complete tasks, or share access to Ostendio artifacts like policies and procedures between each other from within the Ostendio platform.

Trust Network logo (1)This increases the operational efficiency of any Ostendio organization, as they can manage the often manual challenge of sharing information through email, additional 3rd-party repositories, or manual forms.

Ostendio Vendor Connect will fill 1 license when an Ostendio customer establishes a new connection for the requesting Ostendio instance. Only the Ostendio instance that is initiating the request is charged a license. For more information on Trust Network Licensing, click HERE

Other helpful links for managing your Trust Network:

How to Terminate a Ostendio Trust Network Connection